Levy, David, Kevin O'Connell, David Hart. The King's Indian. A Quantitative Analysis of the Opening. Chess. Photo available. London. Imprint Capablanca. 1981. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 204879 |
Levy, David, Kevin O'Connell, David Hart. The Sicilian Defence. A Quantitative Analysis of the Opening. Chess. Defense. Photo available. London. Imprint Capablanca. 1982. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 204880 |
Levy, JoAnn. Unsettling the West. Eliza Farnham and Georgiana Bruce Kirby in Frontier California. Photo available. Santa Clara. Santa Clara University Press. 2004. 346 pps. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 129083 |
Levy, JoAnn. Yosemite Farewell. An Untold Tale from the California Gold Rush. Photo available. np. Self published. 2021. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 220226 |
Levy, Leonard (ed). Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. 2 vols. As new. 4 volumes in 2. Photo available. New York. Macmillan. 1986. 4to. Hardcover. First edition. Two volumes. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine set. Like new.
Price: $65 |
Book ID: 189084 |
Levy, Leonard. Emergence of a Free Press. Special Edition. Photo available. Birmingham. Palladium Press. 2003. Octavo. Gilt decorated hardcover. Gilt edges. Leather. First edition thus. Introduction by Wayne LaPIerre. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 145138 |
Levy, Mark. Void | In Art. Photo available. np. Bramble Books. 2006. 204 pps. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 192003 |
Levy, Matthys. Why the Earth Quakes. The Story of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Photo available. New York. W.W. Norton. 1995. 215 pps. 4to. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 230509 |
Levy, Mervyn. The Painting of L.S. Lowry. Oils and Watercolours. Photo available. London. Jupiter Books. 1981. 4to. Hardcover. Reprint. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $25 |
Book ID: 199581 |
Levy, Steven. Artificial Life. The Quest for a New Creation. Photo available. New York. Pantheon. 1992. Octavo. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 144631 |
Lewan, Todd. The Last Run. A True Story of Rescue and Redemption on the Alaska Seas. Photo available. New York. HarperCollins. 2004. Octavo. Hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 167624 |
Lewin, Menacheim & Eli M. Pearce. Handbook of Fiber Chemistry. Photo available. New York. Marcel Dekker. 1998. 1083 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition thus. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy. As new.
Price: $75 |
Book ID: 222826 |
Lewin, Ronald. Churchill as Warlord. Photo available. New York. Scarborough. 1973. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition thus. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 161048 |
Lewin, Ronald. Hitler's Mistakes. Photo available. New York. William Morrow. 1984. 174 pps. Octavo. Hardcover. First edition. Very scarce in this condition. Important reference work. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 180997 |
Lewin, Ronald. Rommel. As Military Commander. Photo available. New York. Barnes & Noble. 1968. 272 pps. Octavo. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Full number line. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $45 |
Book ID: 211924 |
Lewis, Allan C. Colorado & Southern Railway. Clear Creek Narrow Gauge. Images of Rail. Photo available. Charleston. Aracadia. 2004. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 212014 |
Lewis, Allan C. Rails Around Durango. Images of Rail. Photo available. Charleston. Aracadia. 2006. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 212015 |
Lewis, Allan. Rails Around Durango. Images of Rail. Photo available. Charleston. Aracadia. 2006. Octavo. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 178949 |
Lewis, Andre A. Police Athletic / Activities Leagues. 1914-2014. Celebrating Our 100th Anniversary. PAL. Photo available. Memphis. Abutech. 2014. 140 pps. 4to. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated in black, white and color. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 203030 |
Lewis, Arnold. American Country Houses of the Gilded Age (Sheldon's "Artistic Country-Seats"). Photo available. New York. Dover. 1982. 4to. Soft cover. First edition thus. Illustrated. Very good copy. Light shelf wear.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 187979 |
Lewis, Arnold. American Victorian Architecture. A Survey of the 70's and 80's in Contemporary Photographs. Photo available. New York. Dover. 1975. 4to. Soft cover. First edition. Illustrated. Fine copy.
Price: $20 |
Book ID: 161890 |
Lewis, Betty. Watsonville. Memories that Linger. Photo available. Fresno. Valley Publishers. 1976. 220 pps. Octavo. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy.
Price: $30 |
Book ID: 207349 |
Lewis, Betty. Watsonville. Memories that Linger. Volume 2. Photo available. Fresno. Valley Publishers. 1980. 154 pps. Octavo. Decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 209522 |
Lewis, Betty. Watsonville. Memories That Linger. Volume 2. Photo available. Santa Cruz. Valley Publishers. 1980. 154 pps. Octavo. Gilt decorated hard cover. First edition. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy (book plate) in fine dust jacket (in mylar).
Price: $40 |
Book ID: 232115 |
Lewis, Betty. Watsonville. Memories That Linger. Volume I. Photo available. Santa Cruz. Otter B Books. 2009. 220 pps. Octavo. Gilt decorated hard cover. Reprint. Illustrated. Important reference work. Very scarce in this condition. Fine copy in fine dust jacket (in mylar). As new.
Price: $50 |
Book ID: 221186 |