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Periodically, my ole buddy and book-selling colleague, the Late Don Conner and I would respectively run into books that had been penned by authors with oddly (in)appropriate names. This evolved into a game of sorts, the only rule being that we had to have actually seen the book - no proxies! The ever-expanding list looks strangely like this (CAUTION: Low-brow humor ahead):

(article) New President Named of the Widowers Assoc. - Phyliss Lazurus

1000 Miles on a Dog Sled by Stuck

Adventures of a Tramp Printer by Hicks

America's Last Wild Horses by Ryden

Art of Breathing by Leo Koffler

Artificial Cranial Deformation by Dingwall

Atlas of Surgical Operations by Eliot Cutler

Attorney's Illustrated Medical Dictionary by Dox

Back to Work by Ickes

Barbarians on Wheels by Sam Wilde

Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding by Pond

Application of Lubricants by Boner

Britain from the Air by Bernard Stonehouse

Complete Book of Fly Fishing by Joe Brooks

Catalog of Dental Specialties by J. Ivory

Causes of Spontaneous Chocking by Rice

Complete Guide to Building Your Log Home by Burch

Complete Book of Swords by Saberhagen

Darwin and the Naked Lady by Comfort

Doctors Case Against the Pill by Seaman

Dog Owners Guide by Daglish

Eagles of North America by Savage

Elements of Phrenology by George Comb

Elk Hunting in the Northern Rockies by Ed Wolff

European Refugees - Forced Population Movement by M. Proudfoot

Evolution, Genetics and Eugenics by Newman

Feeding Per the Rectum by D.W. Bliss

First Penthouse Dwellers of America by Underhill

Fly Fishing For Beginners by Angried

Gentlemans Pocket Farrier by Burdon

Grandad's Favorite by Mushberger

Grimms Fairy Tales by Wanda Gag

Gunshot and Other Wounds by Hunter McGuire

Handbook of Saltwater Fishing by Rodman

Henry VIII by Francis Hackett

History of the World War by March

Homosexuality and the Church by Lovelace

Homosexuality in America by A. Rowse

How They Carried the Mail by Walker

Indian Canoeing by Pulling

Insanity and Allied Neuroses by George Savage

Lubrication and Lubricants By Archbutt and Mountford

Modern Lubricating Greases by Boner

Mom, I'm Pregnant by Witt

Night Fishing by James Bashline

Obstetrics & Gynocology by Spurt

On Sex Education by Mary Breasted

Our 17 Christian Martyrs by Graves

Our Inner Conflicts by Horney

Outskirts Episodes by W.G. Tittsworth

Pathology and Morbid Pathology by Green

Queen Breeding by Laidlaw

Recollections of a Yosemite Rockclimber by Roper

Samurai Battles by Sharp

Secrets of the Whitetail (Deer) by Gutschow

The Sexual Option by Joseph LoPiccolo

Secrets of Naval Warfare by Bywater

Suicide by Blows Against the Head by Alan Staples

Symptoms, Nature, Cause and Cure of Gonorrhoea by Wm. Cockburn

System of Clinical Medicine by Graves

The Basic Manual of Fly-Tying by Fling

The City that Grew by Workman

The Dairy Cow by Craplet

The Fishes of Ohio by Trautman

The Halt, The Lame and the Blind by Haggard

The Last Step. The American Ascent of K2 by Ridgeway

The No-Flab Diet by Richard Passwater

The Potatoe by E. Grubb

The Story of Tunnels by Black

The Unborn Embryo by Egbert

Two Hour Garden by Grounds

Venomous Animal Serum Therapeutics by A. Calmette

Virginia Dynasties by Dowdy

Wild Plants of the Canadian Prairies by Archibald Budd

Worms in Furniture and Structural Timber by Girdwood

X-Ray Interpretation by Bull

You and Your Nerves by Guntrip



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